Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Cross

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love.

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Fork In the Road

Have you ever went on a trip and all is going smooth with the exception of a few bumps along the road. Like life, suddenly and unexpectedly we have come to a fork in the road. We can either get upset or plan to move on. The lord has assured us just because of a slight detour He will guide us as He always has. The change might throw you off course a bit but in order to continue the journey you must pray, listen, then make the necessary adjustments. We have made plans in our life, prayed & believed the the Lord for many different things. Our God has never failed us. My husband and I stand on Gods word, this is a scripture we have stumbled across many times; Isaiah65:24 And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Our God also says in Philippians 4:19 he will supply our needs according to HIS riches and glory in Christ Jesus. My husband have been together 27 years now and we just keep growing closer as we do with with the Lord also. We cannot imagine our life without him. I have learned its the bumps in the road that increase our faith, just in case bigger bumps come along.  Recently we have come to a couple of bumps and a fork in the road especially  when it concerns those you love. Each other. God never fails us and he has given us the necessary tools to get through the rough times. He has given us his word, his love, and a whole lot of direction in life. He has used our Children to bless us & help us in a very big way.  I thanks God that our Children & Aunts & Uncles, family are obedient to God. Because of our close family we have got through some really rough times lately.  Where God takes us next will be in his will and his time. I'm glad we serve caring God and am certain he is in control of our future.
We pray our family be blessed and guided by the Lord, and his will be done concerning all things in our lives.  I am thankful that we can entrust our children to Gods great care.  God knows our needs before we ever ask.  What an AWESOME God!!!
God is the reason for all the good in our life. The peace we have, salvation, our family, and so much more.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What can I do for Jesus?

I want to do something for Jesus & it is because I love him! I just love him!  I know he takes care of me & died for me. Jesus has in fact blessed my socks off lots of times. I know I do lots of asking even begging, but this morning as I was praying it came to me just love & praise God, nothing else. Well I sang him a song in my shaky voice & told him how much I loved him, & boy do I feel great! Praise God!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Matthew 6:25
[ Do Not Worry ] "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
 Matthew 6:27
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

I pray for all my children, family and friends that God would give us a peace through the hard times. Hold on to the good times and all the laughter in our hearts.  Help us Lord to trust completely in you.  I ask this in Jesus holy name.Amen

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Childs Love

This Friday our grand daughter came over and spent the day, and the plan was also to stay the night.  We had a lovely time. We played princess games and looked at tinker belle pictures.  Play dough was a big hit.  Ok now so far it was 5pm and all was going great , a bath,  a  movie that her Mama sent "The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's", Veggie tales, & popcorn.  Pop & I got our little angel all ready for bed, Bible, prayers, hugs, all tucked in for the night... or so we thought.  I heard a sweet little voice say, Mimi! I went to see what she wanted and she happily said GOOD MORNIN, time to play.  Well, I'm trying to get her all tucked back in, I'm sure all you parents know the drill, then with those big brown eyes welled up with tears as she told us she wanted her Mama. OK, so my heart melted, we called Mama & Dada and she was soon on her way to the safety of her parents arms.  The grin was big as she saw her Mama and what a hug!!! What a comfort to see a child who loves their mother so much!

God loves us even more if we can imagine.  When we call his name there he will be for you, with open arms.  Just say Jesus and he will comfort us and embrace us as a mother does her child. Then peace shall follow as did for the little one who wanted her Mama.  Our God is that real. Just call him for he loves us so.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kids and Christmas

Kids & grandkids are the most wonderful gift I know of. I cant imagine my life without them for they are such a wonderful blessing.  This time of the year all the grandchildren were in Christmas plays,  how sweet their little voices were as the sang out and the littlest angel of them all spoke the loudest.  How this touched my heart, I could not put into words.  How it blessed us as grandparents for this little girl has brought us more joy than we could have ever thought possible.  She is a bright and shining star to us.  We ask God for a miracle and we got a life long gift full of cherished memories and happy times.  When we look at our little angel we know God has sent us the very best of miracles, our long awaited Grandchild.   We thank Jesus for our 2 girls Maureen, Tiffany, & our son Gary W and for 6 of the most wonderful gifts of all, our Grand babies.  Here on this earth or in heaven, Thank you Jesus for all we have.  Mimi and Pop  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!
May God bless all our little stars in the Christmas  plays, Awesome job!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanks Giving to All

God Bless everyone today, my family; Papa, Pop, Mama, Paw Paw, Grammy, Carolyn Wayne, Joey,  Tiff, Dan, Avari, Maureen, Manuel, Eric, Allissa, Hannah, Kayla, Sherry, Charlie, Shanna, Gary W, Shelly, and our  littlest Angel Kurtis Wayne Ellis Coburn - That we all remember, cherish, love & miss.

May God bless those who may be lonely, sick, hungry or sad or who do not have the wonderful blessings this family does. We are rich with love, family, we are all happy and close, we have each other and Jesus and Gods promise of salvation and eternal life if we only believe.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easy To Please

This past week my Grand daughter came to visit, she  is a well mannered little girl, "thanks to her God loving parents" and she's so easy to please.  When she was here we got some old plastic plates out of the kitchen, some pretend apples and grapes and an old basket I had sitting around.  I was putting the items in the basket and she suddenly took off, she came running back a sec later and said, "look Mimi I have a blanket and we can have a picnic".   It was so sweet and we had a wonderful time having our pretend picnic, it lasted for an hour and she was very content with the old things we had gathered for play.

It reminds me of the up and coming holidays.  We should be so easy to please.  Its the small things in life we should enjoy and not take for granted, like the love, laughter and joy in my Granddaughters heart.  You can look into those big brown eyes and know that there is indeed a God.  He,our Lord gives to us in many ways and I thank him most of all for children and family.  They are priceless!

The holidays are about joy, love and laughter, and most of all thanking God for the best times of our lives, and just being together with those you love!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gout a natural way to help

Hey you gals & guys who have had problems with gout, this may interest you.  My husband recently had a bout with gout, his foot near his big toe became swollen, red and very painful and hot to the touch.  He could barely walk.  We looked up Cherries because we had heard that it was very good for inflammation, pain,and more. Also we remembered  my father-in-law had a terrible case of Gout and the cherries really helped him.

OK, so 11pm we went to store, bought cherries, came home and yeah, a few moments later after my husband felt a great improvement.  This is a big Man who wont touch an aspirin or go near a doctor, but if its natural , hes there trying it out.  It has been 3 days and the swelling has gone down A LOT!!!  Pain is gone, just a bit sore, hes great now.  Always check with a doctor, this is not medical advice, its purely based on our own personal experience.  Please check it out- look under Cherries or Gout and there lots of the same testimonies as ours.  We do not gain any thing from posting this excepts the prayers that this may help others. The Cherries can be can-packed in water, fresh or dried or even cherry juice.  Strawberries work well also. Good Luck to you.  Praise Gog for the natural stuff!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Worry Not

I have recently been worried about family, storm, ect.  As usual God was there to take care of  my concerns without a bit of help from me.  This is a big reminder to me that God does take care of tomorrow, today, and even next week. This is becoming one of my favorite scriptures, Matthew 6:27 - Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  This is so true.  I hope I am forgiven for trying to but in and do the Lords work for him, plus all that worrying Ive done in the process.  I suppose sometimes Ive even assumed God was too big to bother with all the small stuff.  Boy was I wrong. We serve a big God who cares about even the smallest of things.