Wednesday, May 28, 2008

They Stand By Me

I have recently had an illness that prevented me from pretty much doing any of the things I did with my family on a regular basis. I grew very insecure about certain relationships. I felt guilty and concerned that my children would feel abandoned because of my lack of communication. I felt like I was a burden but sometimes we just have to let go and let others take care of us.

Then God reminded me how unconditionally, my husband and children had always loved and supported me through the good and the bad. They stood by me!!! They stand by me and God stands by all of us!!!

I guess the message in this is... Most of us know our families love and care for us. So just think how much more God loves you and me. It is beyond our comprehension. Another thing God showed me is that I should worry for nothing for tomorrow will take care of itself. Boy, am I glad I serve a big God!!! Aren't you?


Hi everyone . . . This is me!

This is a first, so here we go into the world of blogging. I'm not a writer, so I must ask you to overlook my writing abilities or disabilities (ha, ha). The first thing I have to say is that God rocks! He is the #1 love in my life. He gave me a wonderful family!

I am a wife and a mother. I have 2 girls and 1 boy, and at this time I have 5 wonderful grandchildren. They are my love, my life, and my joy. Thank God for family for they are a true gift. In the future I plan to share many stories and life lessons I have learned, and I pray this will touch the hearts of many.

Our world is not perfect, and we are not without fault. But, if there were an award for "The Best Family Ever" mine would surely win it!!! I can promise one thing, you'll find out what all the fuss is about in my future posts.