Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kids and Christmas

Kids & grandkids are the most wonderful gift I know of. I cant imagine my life without them for they are such a wonderful blessing.  This time of the year all the grandchildren were in Christmas plays,  how sweet their little voices were as the sang out and the littlest angel of them all spoke the loudest.  How this touched my heart, I could not put into words.  How it blessed us as grandparents for this little girl has brought us more joy than we could have ever thought possible.  She is a bright and shining star to us.  We ask God for a miracle and we got a life long gift full of cherished memories and happy times.  When we look at our little angel we know God has sent us the very best of miracles, our long awaited Grandchild.   We thank Jesus for our 2 girls Maureen, Tiffany, & our son Gary W and for 6 of the most wonderful gifts of all, our Grand babies.  Here on this earth or in heaven, Thank you Jesus for all we have.  Mimi and Pop  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!
May God bless all our little stars in the Christmas  plays, Awesome job!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanks Giving to All

God Bless everyone today, my family; Papa, Pop, Mama, Paw Paw, Grammy, Carolyn Wayne, Joey,  Tiff, Dan, Avari, Maureen, Manuel, Eric, Allissa, Hannah, Kayla, Sherry, Charlie, Shanna, Gary W, Shelly, and our  littlest Angel Kurtis Wayne Ellis Coburn - That we all remember, cherish, love & miss.

May God bless those who may be lonely, sick, hungry or sad or who do not have the wonderful blessings this family does. We are rich with love, family, we are all happy and close, we have each other and Jesus and Gods promise of salvation and eternal life if we only believe.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easy To Please

This past week my Grand daughter came to visit, she  is a well mannered little girl, "thanks to her God loving parents" and she's so easy to please.  When she was here we got some old plastic plates out of the kitchen, some pretend apples and grapes and an old basket I had sitting around.  I was putting the items in the basket and she suddenly took off, she came running back a sec later and said, "look Mimi I have a blanket and we can have a picnic".   It was so sweet and we had a wonderful time having our pretend picnic, it lasted for an hour and she was very content with the old things we had gathered for play.

It reminds me of the up and coming holidays.  We should be so easy to please.  Its the small things in life we should enjoy and not take for granted, like the love, laughter and joy in my Granddaughters heart.  You can look into those big brown eyes and know that there is indeed a God.  He,our Lord gives to us in many ways and I thank him most of all for children and family.  They are priceless!

The holidays are about joy, love and laughter, and most of all thanking God for the best times of our lives, and just being together with those you love!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gout a natural way to help

Hey you gals & guys who have had problems with gout, this may interest you.  My husband recently had a bout with gout, his foot near his big toe became swollen, red and very painful and hot to the touch.  He could barely walk.  We looked up Cherries because we had heard that it was very good for inflammation, pain,and more. Also we remembered  my father-in-law had a terrible case of Gout and the cherries really helped him.

OK, so 11pm we went to store, bought cherries, came home and yeah, a few moments later after my husband felt a great improvement.  This is a big Man who wont touch an aspirin or go near a doctor, but if its natural , hes there trying it out.  It has been 3 days and the swelling has gone down A LOT!!!  Pain is gone, just a bit sore, hes great now.  Always check with a doctor, this is not medical advice, its purely based on our own personal experience.  Please check it out- look under Cherries or Gout and there lots of the same testimonies as ours.  We do not gain any thing from posting this excepts the prayers that this may help others. The Cherries can be can-packed in water, fresh or dried or even cherry juice.  Strawberries work well also. Good Luck to you.  Praise Gog for the natural stuff!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Worry Not

I have recently been worried about family, storm, ect.  As usual God was there to take care of  my concerns without a bit of help from me.  This is a big reminder to me that God does take care of tomorrow, today, and even next week. This is becoming one of my favorite scriptures, Matthew 6:27 - Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  This is so true.  I hope I am forgiven for trying to but in and do the Lords work for him, plus all that worrying Ive done in the process.  I suppose sometimes Ive even assumed God was too big to bother with all the small stuff.  Boy was I wrong. We serve a big God who cares about even the smallest of things.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Trusting Him

This is about working hard to gain ones self respect and have a happy, healthy life, and a great relationship with God and fully trusting in him no matter the odds. I have prayed for a long time for my son to have a desire to work, to have goals and all the things a Mother wants for her child. I am thankful that he has a great wife, and a strong relationship with the Lord. He has had to overcome the loss of a son, Kurtis wayne, and another miscarriage just recently. He has had some hard knocks in life but I have to say it has only brought him closer to God. After the loss of his first son  and his wife Shelly nearly losing her life during her pregnancy, and on a lesser note,as a result of all the medical leave lost a very good job. Trouble seemed to arrive from every direction and in every form. I feared for my sons hope and happiness, but he soon bounced back with more faith and drive than he had once had. Since then; Gary has the most high paying job he has ever had to date and enjoys his work . Today my son and daughter-in-law still are certain one day God will bless them with a child. He also received a great gift here recently, a house fully paid for and given to him and his wife. Completely free of any charges. What a BLESSING!!!

I am sure they have experienced much sadness due to all the struggles, I know I have, my faith felt very tried at times, for my son and his wife as well. We spent many hours talking and expressing our hurt. I have to say my son probably helped me more than I did him during this trying time. He said, Mom our Kurt is with Jesus and he will never experience the pain or hurt in this life, he will never suffer not one single day, he is now an angel that keeps watch over us with the Lord in heaven. How inspiring to hear those words coming from your child who has endured so much. My son has know of many struggles in his 27 yrs, he was a miracle himself you see. He knew of my fight to have him ,my son, he also knows of my troubled pregnancy the doctors seemed certain Id lose him. I refused to accept that! He had many surgery's to correct an intestinal birth defects for the 1st year and 1/2 of his life. He survived meningitis, and many more close calls, just as I have also in my life.

 My message to all is to never give up on yourself or God, because sorrow may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. For your Sons and daughters always show your faith, hope, and love for them, encourage them no matter the circumstance. One day they will end up helping you instead the other way round. I spoke to my son for a long time yesterday and told him of my Blog and he loved the idea. He sends his love and much prayer to those who are going through a rough times. In my eyes he is a hero to me. He is the rainbow in my life, my dear son. Keep searching for the good in everything, and if you are patient you will find the the pot of gold at the end of Gods rainbow.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stay or Move - A place called home

This is a question I had to ask myself after Hurricane IKE!!! Our house is well built and I had not realized what I had till there was a threat of losing it. The last few months I have wanted to move into a new house we are thinking to have built. After the storm Ive really had to ask myself do I stay or move. I am so blessed for what I have at present, its very hard to think of moving away from a house that I love. I have also come to accept its flaws and boo boos. At this time a new house seems so unimportant after seeing so many lose most or all they had. I believe God showed me this for a reason, before I complained about this and that. It seemed as if nothing was right about our home. Now I look at a house thats our home its a bit weathered, lots of character, and its paid for. Thats a blessing in itself, and flaws can be fixed. I just thank God in heaven for the peace love and appreciation that now feels the place in my heart that so selfishly wanted more. I have very much to be thankful for and you can bet I am! I'm not saying we wont move but in the meantime I am (alongside my husband) satisfied and grateful. I know one thing that is important to a place called home and that is the Lords presence, the word of God, and the love that lives in the hearts of those in the house, add a little laughter, some prayer and praise, now, thats a mansion in my world!!!

Thank you Lord Jesus for all the blessings you have given us. May you bless others as you have us. Lord help the survivors of the storm recover and may all have a place to call home. Amen

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hurricane Ike

First off I want to say we were very blessed during Ike, our home was untouched by the hurricane except for a few downed trees and no TV for a couple of weeks. I thank God for his love and protection. I pray for those who were affected by this storm.  My 2 daughters houses were damaged and I pray for God to bless them. I hope the repairs and funds for their homes are fully restored better than before.
Our daughter, grandbaby , son in law. and puppy dog Sarah, stayed with us after Ike came through, we are truly blessed in our relationships with our children.  It was only yesterday that they went back home after 2 weeks and although it may sound crazy to some but we miss them already.  My daughter called last night and said she was sad to leave.  It blessed me that she felt the same as I.   I believe it is God that has made our relationship so unique.  We both love God and have much of the same interests and beliefs.  I suppose I'm posting this because of the old saying, "ya cant live with family", but we did.  How cool is that?  I have to add we are very grateful to our kids who were here & helped us so much. They helped with house work, cooking, and cut and hauled many tree limbs. Thank God for kids, for they give us joy, and support, and help us in more ways than I can count!!!  We also got to spend a great deal of quality time with our precious  grand daughter.  It was a blessed time all the way round.  Family  is so important  in times of need, good times, & hard.  Who besides Our Lord God can we count on besides family.  Stop and remember your loved ones, What would we do without them???

Thursday, September 11, 2008


May God bless all the people and families affected  by the  9-11  terrorist attacks.  I  would like to point out just how blessed we are to live in this country.  A free country.  I  thank God for all I have, my family is safe.  I was very fortunate that I lost no loved ones that day but I was touched in a different way.  I have a great sorrow for those who were and affected by the senseless attack on our country. The lives of so many innocent people are forever changed and many, many lives lost.  I lift these people up to the Lord.  May God continue to repair their lives and mend the broken hearts. I pray strength and the courage to keep moving forward.   They are survivors. 
I sincerely ask that you would pray for our country, our leaders, and those who were affected by 9-11.  Let these people know they are not forgotten.  They are our hero's. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Gift in Return

One day I had given a small amount of money to some one who was in need, not expecting anything in return. Soon after I was amazed at the unbelievable gift I received.   Was this the result of the small donation Id made a few weeks back?  With God you never know when or where he will bless us but he does. He loves his children as we love ours. God is always full of surprises. We sometimes get discouraged waiting for an unanswered prayer, I do, I guess that just human nature. If your in need keep your hearts open and bring out that tiny mustard seed if you have to, and be patient.  I know that's easier said than done but God will pour his love and blessings upon you, he will meet our needs, give us the desires of our hearts and then some.  Remember he died for us, for our sins, sickness, and best of all, if we believe in him we will have everlasting life. He is always with us. God is an awesome God!!!  I have learned when I have given out of love and help others, that in itself is my reward.

Philippians 4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Did I Miss His Call?

This week our phone has been out.  We have cell phones but like most people our home phone is the number most every one calls.  I had wondered during the outage how many people had tried  to call.  I was also curious as to who called and what they might have wanted to say?  Did I miss anyone important?

I said all that to say, do you wonder if you have missed an important call from the Father. If we listen to God and wait for him he will give us the desires of our heart and it will be in Gods timing, not ours.  Many obstacles will try and stand in the way to prevent or even steal ones blessing.

Therefore look to God for your dreams, you never know when they may come to pass.   I was reminded that sometimes when things look there worst, the closer your blessings are, So don't give up.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Sometimes things can change in the blink of an eye.  When your life feels so right and you have around the ones you love, your family, its hard to imagine life any other way.  Time is precious with the ones you love!  Make every moment count and love them with all your heart.   Don't take the life for granted, your family and God is the most important thing on this earth.

Call someone you love today and tell them just how special they are.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Angel

This is about an incredible time in me life. I was 18 yrs old , and pregnant. I was very grateful to God for the baby that was growing inside me, he was a miracle. The doctors had already told me I could not have a child and if I ever got pregnant I would not carry him full term. Now, five months pregnant I was a very happy person to say the least. Jesus had answered my hearts desire to be a mother. Things were smooth sailing the 1st few months, my faith was soaring, little did I know just how far that my faith would have to take me.

One evening I was taking my evening bath and I noticed the water was turning very red. As I stood up and realized it was blood. I said No! No this is not happening. My husband started calling Doctor, Hospital, & parents, I quickly thought "JESUS"! For some reason at first I did not really pray much, I just began to sing to the Lord, I was unusually calm for some one severely hemorrhaging. As my family franticly got me to the hospital and the doctors arrived and started the usual IVs and blood transfusions. A bit later I heard the doctors telling my husband and parents I would probably lose the baby.

I held my Bible close to my heart and quietly prayed to my Jesus and this is what I said; I love you dear Jesus. Thank you for giving me this child. Thank you that in your word it says if you have the faith of a tiny mustard seed, I do have faith and I know you will not let my baby die. Thank you, I love you.

I was now put on bed rest. These episodes occurred quite frequently each time my God and bible went with me, [to the hospital] and faithfully I prayed my little prayer as the doctor gave my parents his usual grim view of me and my baby boys fate.

Now having made it into my 7th month I continued to grow weaker. The doctors now informed my family that my child now had a chance of surviving but me, not so good. Now my baby had better odds at survival than me. I heard them in the hall and suddenly just screamed NO!!! I told them all to stop saying that. I raised my bible off my chest and said GOD says I will live and I did not try for all these yrs to have this baby for one of us to just up and die. I serve a big God and there are lots of people praying for me. I know he wont let me down. I think I scared them when I did this because it was kinda like Lazareth rising from the dead. After that they stopped telling my family we were at deaths door.

I recovered some what from this episode and in very poor condition. That night as I lay in my bed asking for God to keep me and my baby safe as he always did an angel appeared...
It was a brilliant site. I was so amazed at the white haze that surrounded him he was no small angel he must have been 8 feet tall and he spoke to me in a soft voice . He said everything will be OK , God is taking care of you. The peace that had been within my heart became even greater. How sweet that God would send me an angel right before I was to give birth to the greatest gift in a womans life - her child.

My son was born 1 or 2 months early and we lived. Just like God promised. We made it. After my son God blessed me with 2 girls. Now I have 3 lovely children and 5 healthy grandchildren. I am so, so, blessed. See what our Father in heaven can do. He is amazing, Hes awesome, any thing is possible with God! Have a little faith, yes even the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains. To this day I will never forget the angel Jesus sent especially for me.

On a personal note;
Thank you Jesus for all my children, I have to say again - I am truly blessed and I have the best family on earth. And a special thanks to Wayne and Carolyn who sat at my bedside and prayed and for staying at my sons side till he was safely transfered to Texas Children's Hospital. My son carries the name Gary Wayne because of all the prayers and a very,very special family member, his sweet Uncle Wayne. May God Bless you both for all you have given. Thank you

Friday, August 15, 2008

So Blessed am I

Have you ever had someone so close to you it seemed as if they new if you were ok or not and knew exactly what to say or do? I am just that lucky. This person is so caring and always extends a kind word, a helping hand, a prayer when needed or just an I love you. They can be reached 24/7 and although they have their own life they have been kind enough to always include me too. How blessed am I that some one cares for me so? They have given me self esteem when I needed it most. They stuck by me through thick and thin. They accept me for just who I am. If they only knew how blessed I am.

This person is kind and gentle always tending to others than them selfs. Suppers on the table, baby's nice and clean, clothes are ironed and all hung up. Cookies baked for meeting, Oh my, Have I called Mom today? Has we visited with the family this week? Has everyone got their turn with the baby? Did I get my worship songs just right for church tonight? She's all that and much more !!! She is very special, and a blessing to anyone who crosses her path, she is madly in love with Jesus thats what makes her who she is. In her busy schedule the bible is not forgotten, the prayers are always prayed, and Jesus is always praised.

I want to make sure this person knows her worth and how I see her walking in Christ every day! I want to thank you for all you've done for myself and others. For the sweetness you have brought and what you have given has made our corner of the world a brighter place. Thanks for being an example for others in following God and faithfully serving him. I believe for this you have a brighter spirit, a sweetness and grace about you. Know with your loving spirit you have a gift for drawing people in and wanting to meet Christ because they see what God has done for you, they want it to. You are a beautiful and unique person. and the love of Jesus beams from those pretty eyes you have. Please don't forget you! You are the sunshine of my life. Thank you & Be Blessed. Happy Birthday T.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Not To Question My God

Yesterday I got a call from my son & daughter-in-law. They were pregnant for the 2nd time - both pregnancies unsuccessful. I don't know why, and I do not question my God. There is a reason for all things that happen or not. I serve a big and loving God, and one day we will all have the answers. For now I just trust in him, and I know with all my heart that there are 2 extra angels in heaven that watch over us now.

Today, thank God for all your little ones for they are wonderful miracles. I praise my God for the grandkids that I do have, and I'm pretty sure there are more little blessings to come.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Monday, June 23, 2008

He Never Promised Me A Rose Garden

Sometimes in life we are faced with physical, mental, & spiritual battles, the list goes on. This does not mean we have committed some terrible sin or that God has abandoned us, it's just life. God never said we would be without trials. In the Bible Job went through many tests and trials. I used to wonder when I got ill, lonely or sad - What did I do wrong? Where did God go? I just felt like giving up. If I do, what is my alternative? There is none that is acceptable other than turning to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have to remind myself that God is here. He is with me in the valleys and on the mountaintop. He loves me, and there is something good which comes out of every situation and a useful lesson learned. In my opinion, He is the answer to all life's struggles, and He stands for all that is good, happy, and pure. He is our hope and salvation. I believe this with all my heart - that God brings healing and peace to all who love Him. I am living proof of that!!! Of course, there are times when I was convinced I could surely handle these problems on my own. That was not such a great idea - big surprise. I can assure you that it was only when I could let go of my problems and give them completely to God that they were resolved.

God is surely big enough to deal with anything if we only let Him. We will be the better Christian for it! I pray this will give some hope to those who are running low on faith. Faith is what will get us through the rough times, so rest in the Lord, trust Him with all your heart and soul and lean not on your own understanding. We all have fears and question our faith at times, so don't be so hard on yourself. And hey, we are all Christians striving to live a better life, and I just know its gonna be OK.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

God's Blessings

In order to receive God's blessings, you must live by God's rules. This means all of God's rules - not just the ones we like. Sometimes as Christians we tend to try and mold God's word into our lives instead of trying to mold our lives to God's word - like trust, praise, worship, and love just to name a few. I love God just because, and as my granddaughter says, "Jesus is cool and awesome!!!"

I don't love Him just when I want something or have a need. I love Him always. Jesus is so cool that He loves me unconditionally. God is all or nothing. There is no in between. I used to have to ask God's forgiveness for neglecting Him when all was well and then getting very mindful of Him when something didn't go my way. JESUS HELP!!! Well, now I praise God, and tell Him just how much I love Him every day.

It's kinda like family. I'm sure a day does not go by without telling my children how much they mean to me and that they are loved so very much. What about God? He is our Father, our family. With that being said, God loves us every day, so let's give Jesus a big shout and tell Him "JESUS YOU ARE COOL AND AWESOME." Tell the Lord you love Him today!!! Give Him a great big thank you, just because.

May God Bess you today and every day. I know He will.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Journey

My husband retired about a year ago, and at first, I was in a great hurry about many things. I found myself no longer enjoying life as much as I used to. I started to feel very anxious and would worry about why this or that hasn't happened or how fast could I get things done.

One day I was praying and felt a tug in my heart, and yes, it was God telling me to slow down. Life was not meant to be lived in a day and it's not all about how fast you can get from one point to another. Our journey can be a wonderful experience! It is a process. Enjoy it, Live it, and learn from it.

Take time to follow God, listen to what He says because in all the hurry we can miss so much! I believe in God's time He will give us the desires of our hearts, so live life to the fullest, and stop and smell the roses for life is a long journey.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

They Stand By Me

I have recently had an illness that prevented me from pretty much doing any of the things I did with my family on a regular basis. I grew very insecure about certain relationships. I felt guilty and concerned that my children would feel abandoned because of my lack of communication. I felt like I was a burden but sometimes we just have to let go and let others take care of us.

Then God reminded me how unconditionally, my husband and children had always loved and supported me through the good and the bad. They stood by me!!! They stand by me and God stands by all of us!!!

I guess the message in this is... Most of us know our families love and care for us. So just think how much more God loves you and me. It is beyond our comprehension. Another thing God showed me is that I should worry for nothing for tomorrow will take care of itself. Boy, am I glad I serve a big God!!! Aren't you?


Hi everyone . . . This is me!

This is a first, so here we go into the world of blogging. I'm not a writer, so I must ask you to overlook my writing abilities or disabilities (ha, ha). The first thing I have to say is that God rocks! He is the #1 love in my life. He gave me a wonderful family!

I am a wife and a mother. I have 2 girls and 1 boy, and at this time I have 5 wonderful grandchildren. They are my love, my life, and my joy. Thank God for family for they are a true gift. In the future I plan to share many stories and life lessons I have learned, and I pray this will touch the hearts of many.

Our world is not perfect, and we are not without fault. But, if there were an award for "The Best Family Ever" mine would surely win it!!! I can promise one thing, you'll find out what all the fuss is about in my future posts.